Thursday, April 20, 2017

Perempuan dan Ilmu


Wah udah lama banget gak nulis blog, padahal selalu pengen tapi either gak punya waktu atau gak punya topik haha. So this time I'm going to write about women and their roles these days, terutama dalam karir dan pendidikan. Tulisan ini terinspirasi dari banyaknya hal yang saya lihat baru-baru ini tentang semangat wanita untuk maju dan belajar meskipun banyak cobaan. This really motivates me and I hope this will motivates other women out there as well :)

Wednesday, March 15, 2017



Jadi di awal saya membuat blog ini, saya berniat untuk update segala sesuatu menggunakan bahasa Inggris, ceritanya untuk melancarkan kemampuan menulis saya dalam bahasa Inggris sekaligus meningkatkan skill bahasa Inggris saya. Namun semakin lama saya mengurus blog ini, saya merasa banyak pemikiran dan curhatan yang ingin saya tulis tapi gak jadi hanya karena saya terlalu malas atau capek untuk berpikir lagi gimana cara 'translate'-nya ke bahasa Inggris yang enak dibaca. Memang hal ini sangat tidak membantu saya untuk maju, sih, saya tahu. Tapi saya pikir-pikir lagi, tujuan saya buat blog ini juga bukan hanya untuk mengasah kemampuan bahasa Inggris, namun juga untuk mencurahkan isi pemikiran saya. Akhirnya saya putuskan untuk membuat blog ini terbuka dalam bahasa apapun, intinya agar pemikiran saya tidak terhambat. Masalah bahasa Inggris, ya mungkin bisa sekalian jalan kali yaaa.. :P

Beberapa hari ini, saya sedang jenuh. Mostly sih karena saat ini saya sedang mengemban tugas akhir dan mulai lelah dengan tugas individu yang non-stop dan butuh kesadaran sendiri itu.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Laptop, why?


As I got some free time now, I will use this particular event to write my blog after so many time has passed! My laptop has been lagging a lot since these past weeks, so today I will talk about my laptop (or technology in general) (probably).

First of all, though I technically was a computer science student I know not much about latest cool technology or latest new innovation on networks or stuffs. I admit I wasn't a 'hyped up' student but that's fine, right? Lol.

Anyway my laptop is a 13" ultrabook, which is very light and handy. I bought this laptop about 3.5 years ago when I was just got into uni. I bought this laptop because of the handiness, so I can bring it easily everywhere anytime. Another factor that made me chose this is because my house is far from my uni and I go there by myself using train, so I really need a light one. As I was just a beginner in understanding stuffs like RAM, Memory, etc., I don't really consider the these stuffs and just pick something that looks pretty good, light, and said to have a great specs (by the store's man lol). This laptop worked just fine for me! I could do anything, and since it is an ultrabook, I can process everything pretty fast, etc.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Struggle with college

Hello guys!

It's 2017 already and I failed one of my 2016's resolution, which is to start writing my blog. As it was neglected, it is now my 2017's resolution! I hope I can finally success with this one lmao. Anyway, happy new year to you all! I hope this year will become a great and amazing year to you all and sincerely hope for your success.

So today, I will talk about the struggle with college for me. I am feeling very stressful these days because of my college and I will definitely share this thing.

College is a very stressful thing for me, not only because of the things I learn in class, but also the environment in general. I was never a diligent student. I remember I start to be a little more diligent on 3rd grade of junior high school. And that was because of my very smart and diligent chairmate. I never like studying, though I don't exactly hate it either. I just feel like if I study hard, good result will come. And that's what really happen though. I did have good grades on high school, thanks to studying that has become a habit for me. Thanks again to that habit, I get to go to great college with a great major. Yeay I was happy!