Hello guys!
It's 2017 already and I failed one of my 2016's resolution, which is to start writing my blog. As it was neglected, it is now my 2017's resolution! I hope I can finally success with this one lmao. Anyway, happy new year to you all! I hope this year will become a great and amazing year to you all and sincerely hope for your success.
So today, I will talk about the struggle with college for me. I am feeling very stressful these days because of my college and I will definitely share this thing.
College is a very stressful thing for me, not only because of the things I learn in class, but also the environment in general. I was never a diligent student. I remember I start to be a little more diligent on 3rd grade of junior high school. And that was because of my very smart and diligent chairmate. I never like studying, though I don't exactly hate it either. I just feel like if I study hard, good result will come. And that's what really happen though. I did have good grades on high school, thanks to studying that has become a habit for me. Thanks again to that habit, I get to go to great college with a great major. Yeay I was happy!